Monday, December 12, 2011

Are you talking about me?

This is generally the busiest time of the year for me. My home is filled with basketballers and they cram a lot of games into a week. The more games I watch the worse my bleacher butt hurts. I find that I don’t have much me time this time of year, so I find myself surprised to be blogging again today. People just keep inspiring me though to write. I hope they don’t take that as a compliment though, because it is certainly not meant as one.

Have you ever known someone who thinks every cryptic Facebook post is about them? Or how about a teacher, preacher or speakers comments or lessons must be directed at them? We all do. I don’t know whether it is insecurity or a self-centered nature that makes one think that everything people do or say is about them. I do know what I think it is though, a major case of paranoia. It’s like the quote by Stephen Wright; “ I got a new dog. He's a paranoid retriever. He brings back everything because he's not sure what I threw him.”

Not too long ago, I was sent a link and at the bottom of it someone had posted what seemed to be a harmless comment. Another person sharply replied in a hateful tone words that made them look like nothing less than a complete ass. I didn’t realize it at first until it was pointed out to me that the ass obviously thought I had made the original comment. I didn’t. But their victim mentality automatically made them lash out at an innocent person. Now, I won’t say I wasn’t a bit amused by this although, I am sure her comment was meant to upset me. Honestly, sometimes paranoid and obsessed people are just downright entertaining.

It’s the “I hate drama” people of the world. Those who talk incessantly about how they hate it yet look for it in every corner of the internet, in every spoken or unspoken word. The “are you mad at me” people… those who forget that sometimes people are too busy to call, too preoccupied with the gazillion things on their mind to notice you standing near and don’t speak, so they assume you don’t like them or are mad at them over something and pout about it for months or longer. Like I said, I don’t know if it is insecurity or self-centeredness but to those people I say, get over yourself. Stop whining and feeling sorry for yourself, or pointing your victim fingers at others trying to make others agree with you or join your they did me wrong crusade. It is truly a complete waste of time to tie yourself all up in knots worrying and searching out who could possibly do you wrong next or if everything you read or hear is about is about you. It may be, it may not be. If you have to wonder if it's about you some other person with your disorder is worrying the same thing.  Does it truly make a difference in your tomorrow?  Trust me tomorrow, someone else may post something that may or may not be about you.... 

Until then keep your paranoid wheels spinning or seek some much needed help.

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